Herbalism and Plant Medicine Level 2 Course

I will be running a 17 week course at Plumpton College.

Don’t worry if you can’t make this day, there will be others foraging dates and a herbal medicine course running after the Easter holidays. Dates to be confirmed. 

Course Details

24th February – 7th July, 2023 (Fridays)

One Garden Brighton – Stanmer Park Campus

9.30 – 16.00

17 Week Course

Cost: £995

Fee remission is available with this course for those on benefits and low earners. Please contact the EAG Team for more details. 

Course tutors, Julia Behrens (medical herbalist) and James Pashley (Medicinal Horticulturalist) combine horticulture and growing with the benefits of 30 traditional natural remedies and herbs. This is a course that covers the fundamentals of herbs, herbalism and the way in which we can use herbal remedies to heal and restore our bodies.

How will I be learning – workshops/practical sessions e.g. plant ID, planting and growing herbs, herbal preparation and application; lectures and independent study of materials provided. At the end of the course we would like you to feel confident about growing your own herbal medicine, the harvesting, preparation, storage and application of remedies that you can apply safely with family and friends.

What will I be learning – the scope of herbal medicine, history and its application, the tools and language to understand how nature can grow and heal us. Each week we will look at one particular system of the body and consider the use of medicinal plants to address the ailments of that system i.e. herb ID & story, harvesting, preparation, application and storage. We will look at complications and contra-indications.

Topics include:

  •  Skin and lymphatic health
  •  Introducing the Muscular & Skeletal system and inflammation
  •  Introduction to the Respiratory System; common ailments and allergies affecting these systems
  •  Exploration of the digestive system 
  •  Introduction to the Urinary System
  •  Introducing the heart and herbs that improve cardiac health and circulation. 
  •  Exploring the nervous system 
  •  The wandering mind, a continuation of the nervous system
  •  Healthy hormones: how hormones influence our well-being 
  •  Immunity: quick and effective ways to support your immune system from plants growing in the garden 
  •  Sustainability – the importance of growing plants that are sustainable

Coursework, assignments, assessments; homework will ask students after each session to think about what they can do themselves  in terms of herbs, diet & lifestyle – Steps – to improve their health and skills in relation to each area and replicating what has been taught.

To book or for further information visit: